Want to Beat the Odds this Flu Season? Do This One Simple Thing!

October 18, 2018

By Anna Varriano

At the risk of sounding like a broken record, I am once again writing about the importance of supplementing with vitamin D, especially as we enter ‘official’ flu season, which runs roughly from the beginning of October to the end of March for Canada. In this blog, I want to share some very interesting findings from two articles that I have recently read which both highlight just how powerful vitamin D

The first article is entitled ‘Vitamin D for influenza’, and appeared in the June 2015 edition of Family Physician. This is the official Publication of The College of Family Physicians of Canada.
In this article, the author explains why he no longer uses drugs like Tamiflu to prevent or treat influenza among his patients. A main reason is that the potential side-effects of these types of drugs make it difficult to know if the patient is suffering side-effects of the drug or if they have in fact contracted influenza. Why the confusion? Because the side-effects of the drugs include flu-related symptoms, such as:

  • vomiting and/or serious diarrhea
  • confusion, hallucinations, or delirium (can be symptoms of high fever)

The author states that it is well known that flu season corresponds to a drop of vitamin D levels in our blood, and that Canadians in particular, have considerably low levels in the winter, which puts us at risk for the flu – not to mention a number of other health conditions.

Another statement the author makes – that was unbelievable to me – is that “a recommended daily dose of vitamin D by The Institute of Medicine is erroneous, due to a statistical error made in the research to arrive at the recommended dose – and that doses of 2,000 IU (IU stands for International Units) per day can bring vitamin D levels into ranges that can help prevent the flu.” Yep – The Institute of Medicine made a mistake.

The author also talks about a vitamin D treatment he uses with some patients called a ‘vitamin D hammer’ – this is a one-time dose of 50,000 IU of vitamin D3 (the biologically form of vitamin D – look for supplements using this form) or a dose of 10,000 IU three times daily for two to three days. The author states that the results of these doses of vitamin D are dramatic, with “complete resolution of symptoms in 48 to 72 hours.” Please note that you should have your blood levels checked and consult your health care professional regarding this level of dosage. Note that what is often considered ‘acceptable’ in standard lab reports isn’t necessarily a therapeutic level.

I personally take 2,000 to 4,000 IU per day, depending on the time of year (lower dose in spring and summer; higher dose in fall and winter), and if I feel I am coming down with something, I will take 8000 IU for several days. I have had my vitamin D levels tested, asked for the results, and compared them to what is recommended by the Vitamin D Council.

The second article, entitled ‘Vitamin D pills could stop colds or flu‘, appeared in BBC News in February 2017 and highlights the findings of research conducted at the Queen Mary University of London. Researchers conducted the study by pooling data from 25 separate trials, for a combined sample size of approximately 11,300 people. The study found that 1 person was spared from contracting a respiratory tract infection for every 33 people taking a vitamin D supplement. If you don’t think that’s a big deal, here’s a newsflash for you – it’s better than the effectiveness of the flu vaccine, which spared only 1 person in 40 who got the shot.

I have often suggested that vitamin D is one of the single most important things we can do to for protection ourselves from the flu. It is also one of the most cost effect things we can do. For more tips on protecting yourself from the flu, check out my previous blog entitled 10 Steps to Building Immunity Naturally .

Finally, I want to make it clear that not all vitamin D supplements are created equal; that is, they don’t all deliver therapeutic results. To find out what brand I personally take and recommend and why, click here.  If you’d like a bottle of this liquid sunshine to get you through flu season, you can place your order today by emailing info@perfectresonance.com and putting VITAMIN D in the subject line. You will receive a confirmation email with payment instructions when your order is ready for pick up through Perfect Resonance Natural Health Counselling, located in the Marshall Health Clinic at 2605 Carling Avenue, Ottawa ON.

This flu season, take control of what you can!


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