The Great Cholesterol Myth

February 20, 2017

By Anna Varriano

Years ago, I read The Great Cholesterol Myth, a National Bestseller by Jonny Bowden PhD and cardiologist Dr. Stephen Sinatra – not really knowing anything about these two gentlemen or their position/thoughts regarding heart health.

I was captured by the subtitle of this book, which is “Why Lowering Your Cholesterol Won’t Prevent Heart Disease – And The Statin-Free Plan That Will”.

Fat (and/or cholesterol) is one of the most misunderstood topics in nutrition, and I have spent a lot of time educating my clients and workshop audiences that:

A – not all fat is evil

B- we need fat for good health, and

C – cholesterol in our foods is not to blame for ‘bad’ cholesterol numbers, high blood pressure, and heart attacks.

Heart disease is the #1 killer in North America, so it’s important that we separate fact from fiction and start focusing on the root cause of this disease – and it’s not the cholesterol in food.

Adding insult to injury, statin drugs (cholesterol lowering drugs), which are a multi-billion dollar industry and growing, have been associated with increasing the risk of two other serious health issues: diabetes and declining cognitive function (e.g. memory loss).

To quote the back cover of the book, the authors:

reveal the shody science, manipulated research, and corporate greed that has perpetuated the myth and reveal the true culprits of the disease …. Based on the latest studies and clinical findings, The Great Cholesterol Myth provides a statin-free plan for preventing, managing, and reversing heart disease and staying healthy for life.

If you or someone you know would like to prevent heart disease and/or learn about the factors that really do promote a healthy heart, I encourage you buy a copy of this book. You can do so now, by clicking here.

It is important to work with a healthcare practitioner when you are making changes to your diet, supplements, and potentially medications. I would be happy to help you with your diet/nutritional and supplement concerns. For an in person appointment, please contact the Marshall Health Clinic (Ottawa Ontario) at 613-820-0421. Phone or Skype consultations (available only to Canadian residents at the moment due to liability insurance issues … stay tuned for U.S. coverage soon!) can be arranged by sending an email to

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