October 28, 2015
By Anna Varriano
Did you know that pain in your muscles, bones and joints, and/or fatigue are symptoms of vitamin D deficiency? Or that being over 50 puts you at greater risk for vitamin D deficiency?
Since October marked the ‘official’ start of flu season (aka Vitamin D Deficiency Season), and November 2nd is “Vitamin D Day”, I thought it would be a great time to brush up on your vitamin D knowledge by taking a quick quiz. I just took the quiz, and later on in this post, I’ll tell you how you can take it too – but first, a little primer. In addition to the two questions I opened this post with, did you know that:
- Certain medications can affect your vitamin D levels?
- Being overweight can compromise your vitamin D levels?
- Where you live can affect your vitamin D levels? For example, a 2010 study from the University of Alberta’s Faculty of Medicine stated that “between 70% and 90% of Canadians demonstrate vitamin D insufficiency” and that “many Canadians have profoundly deficient levels”
- Sunscreens block out UVB vitamin-D-producing rays?
- The standard recommended dose of 1,000 IU/day of vitamin D is not nearly enough for most of us?
- Not all vitamin D supplements are created equal?
In preparation for Vitamin D Day, the Vitamin D Council has prepared a quiz to give you an idea as to whether or not you’re getting enough vitamin D. I just took it and wasn’t surprised to find out I’m not deficient. I’ve also had blood work done to confirm this, which is something I encourage you to do as well. It is often challenging to get enough vitamin D from sunshine and food, so I supplement daily with Biotic Research Canada’s Bio-D-Mulsion 1,000 – a unique, liquid vitamin D supplement that has been micro-emulsified for greater uptake and utilization by the body. One drop of this product provides 1,000 IUs of vitamin D3. This is the form that the body naturally produces when exposed to sunlight.
If you’d like a bottle of what I like to call ‘liquid sunshine’ to get you through flu season and more, you can place your order today by emailing info@perfectresonance.com and putting VITAMIN D in the subject line. You will receive a confirmation email with payment instructions when your order is ready for pick up through Perfect Resonance Natural Health Counselling, located in the Marshall Health Clinic at 2605 Carling Avenue, Ottawa ON.
$24 + HST = $27.12 (extremely economical, with 750 drops per bottle; 1 drop = 1,000 IU)
If you’d like more information on the health-boosting benefits of vitamin D, I invite you to read my November 2008 Tip of the Month entitled: Vitamin D: The Sunshine Vitamin.
Take the Vitamin D Council’s “Are You Gettting Enough Vitamin D” quiz now by clicking here.
This flu season and beyond, take control of what you can.
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