
A brief examination of the iris using a magnifying glass and flashlight can give an indication of the body’s major strengths and weaknesses.


Anna has helped me immensely over the past few years. Her expert nutritional advice was coupled with BioEnergetic Evaluation for a regime that was specifically tailored to my needs. As a result, I no longer feel “stuck” in a vicious cycle of yo-yo dieting. She also gives awesome workshops!

Susan Young

Owner/Operator, Empress Energy

Using digital photography, it’s possible to gain an even more thorough understanding of the interconnection among potential genetic weaknesses and current irritations in the body.

“Behold the eyes, behold the body.”
-Hippocrates, Father of Medicine

Benefits of Iridology

An iridology evaluation provides a solid platform for developing a customized nutritional plan.

What Is Iridology?

Iridology is a non-intrusive analytical method used to study the colours, markings and patterns of the iris (the coloured part of the eye), revealing relative nerve energy flow to various systems or organs of the body. These observations are made possible via the connection between the brain and the optic nerve.

An iridology analysis reveals the potential strengths and insufficiencies of tissues, organs and body systems.

What Does An Iridology Exam Involve?

For more information, please contact Anna Varriano at Perfect Resonance.

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