How to Pit Cherries Like a Boss

August 29, 2017

By Anna Varriano

Cherries are bursting with health-boosting nutrients that have been associated with reducing inflammation, blood pressure, and the risk of gout (note: a serving of cherries is about 14 cherries).

I love cherries – especially when they are local/in season. In this video, I’ll show you a super easy way to pit cherries – without making a mess or spending any money on fancy gadgets! It’s so easy and safe, even kids can do it!

Some reasons you might want to pit cherries include:

  • it’s a way to serve them without guests having to figure out how to get rid of the stems and pits
  • it’s a great way to pack them for snacks and lunches without the ‘eater’ having to figure out how to get rid of the stems and pits
  • you want/need pitted cherries for baking, making preserves or sauces, and/or adding to smoothies

Check out my video now and give it a whirl! Enjoy!



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