Bio-D-Mulsion 1,000: Liquid ‘Sunshine’ for the Winter Months

October 27, 2014

By Anna Varriano

October marks the ‘official’ start of flu season, which I also refer to as Vitamin D Deficiency Season. Numerous studies show that Vitamin D from sunlight and/or supplements reduces the risk of catching the flu.

sunshineUnfortunately, in Canada and most of North America, the UVB rays from the sun required to stimulate vitamin D production are not strong enough for a significant part of the year (aka flu season), leading to increased cases of the flu. With so much research continuing to emerge related to the benefits of vitamin D supplementation, vitamin D may very well be one of the most important foundations for creating and maintaining good health.

I personally take Bio-D-Mulsion 1,000 – a unique, liquid vitamin D supplement that has been micro-emulsified for greater uptake and utilization by the body. One drop of this product provides 1,000 IUs of vitamin D3. This is the form that the body naturally produces when exposed to sunlight.

Compared to Vitamin D2 (a synthetic form of the vitamin typically made from commercially irradiated fungus/yeast), studies reveal that vitamin D3 has a stronger biological action, being converted to a more active form in the body 5 times faster than vitamin D2.

If you’d like a bottle of this liquid sunshine to get you through flu season, you can place your order today by emailing and putting VITAMIN D in the subject line. You will receive a confirmation email with payment instructions when your order is ready for pick up through Perfect Resonance Natural Health Counselling, located in the Marshall Health Clinic at 2605 Carling Avenue, Ottawa ON.


$28 + HST = $31.64  Extremely economical, with 750 drops per bottle; 1 drop = 1,000 IUs (Note: pricing is as of Nov 2017; subject to change)

If you’d like more information on the health-boosting benefits of vitamin D, I invite you to read my November 2008 Tip of the Month entitled: Vitamin D: The Sunshine Vitamin.

This flu season, take control of what you can.


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