March 1, 2010
By johnmac
Just like our cars, our bodies need regular tune-ups.
Unfortunately, some individuals spend more time and money on the maintenance of their car’s health than they do on their own health!
When considering our health, it is important to take into account not just our physical or ‘material’ state, but also our electro-magnetic or ‘energetic’ state.
Our bodies are made up of matter and electro-magnetic energy and our state of health depends on the proper balance of both of these variables.
The notion of a connection between the state of our health and electricity or energy in the body is not a new one. The use of electrical ‘technology’ goes as far back as 2750 B.C., where ancient Egyptian and Greek records suggest that exposure to electric eels offered numerous therapeutic benefits!
This connection has also been recognized for thousands of years in the Traditional Chinese Medicine practice of acupuncture, and more recently, in our own health care system, for example, with the use of instruments to measure electrical energy in the body. Some of the more common technologies include:
- Electrocardiograph (ECG) – developed in 1887 and records the electrical activity emanating from different areas of the heart.
- Electroencephalograph (EEG) – developed in 1875 and records the electrical activity emanating from various areas of the brain.
- Galvanic skin response – The electrical conductance between two electrodes placed on the skin is measured. The patient is then subjected to various stimuli, and any change in skin conductance is recorded. This technology is a major constituent of lie detector testing and is also used in biofeedback technology.
- Electromyelograph – A nerve is stimulated electrically, and the response of the muscle to that stimulation provides useful information about the functional status of that muscle or the integrity of its associated neurons.
Turning now to acupuncture, it is known that it has helped millions of people around the world. It is based on the concept of the movement of energy, or ‘qi’ (pronounced ‘chee’, as in ‘cheese’) through various pathways, or ‘meridians’ in our body. Each meridian is connected to specific organs in the body. The growing acceptance of this energy-related health practice is evidenced by the fact that acupuncture is currently regulated in certain provinces in Canada and many states in the U.S. Its effectiveness has been recognized by national and international organizations such as The National Institutes of Health and the World Health Organization.
When the flow of qi through a meridian is blocked or out of balance, illness or pain can start to develop. The stimulation of acupuncture points along the meridians releases blockages, thereby promoting the smooth flow of qi and the restoration of wellness.
The ‘health’ of the energy or qi flowing through the meridians can be analysed at many specific points on the skin known as acupuncture points. It has been known for many years that acupuncture points have different electrical conduction than the surrounding tissues as the skin at these points is slightly thinner, thus making it possible to more easily and accurately measure and access electrical conductance at these points. Changes in these electrical measurements in conjunction with altered health states has been investigated extensively.
Not suprisingly, just as there are instruments that can measure the electricity emanating from the brain (EEG) or heart (ECG), there are also instruments that can measure the electricity emanating from acupuncture points. These measurements indicate the amount of energy or qi flowing through the meridians. One of these instruments is the Meridian Stress Assessment System (MSAS). This system is the basis for the meridian stress assessments/bioenergetic evaluations (MSA/BE) that I offer.
During an evaluation, the level of electric current conducted through various acupuncture points on the hands and feet is measured. Information regarding various organs and systems is obtained by the level of the readings which suggest the presence or absence of blockages or restrictions in the meridians.
A MSA/BE is an excellent tool to help identify patterns of acute or chronic stress in the various tissues, organs and organ systems related to the meridians, and if so, to develop a comprehensive, customized health program that will assist in returning them to a balanced state.
Depending on an individual’s situation, a MSA/BE is generally required on a 3 to 4 week basis, spacing them out as improvements are noted. Once the meridians are balanced, it is recommended to have regular ‘check-ups’ to ensure they stay in balance.
For more information on BioEnergetic Evaluations please refer to the BioEnergetic Evaluation section of this website. For more information on the history of meridian stress assessment instruments, please visit For more information on the instrument itself, please visit
Please note that a MSA/BE does not provide a medical diagnosis. If an individual suspects that they have a condition requiring medical intervention, they should consult their physician who can provide medical diagnosis and prescribe appropriate treatment regimens.
If you would like to see a MSA/BE in action and perhaps receive a free ’10-point inspection’, I invite you to visit me at my booth at the Healthy Communties Showcase, Wednesday, March 10th, 2010, from 4-8pm at Algonquin College, Woodroffe Campus, T-Building, Showcase Room T102abc. If you would like more details regarding this free event, please visit
Hope to see you there!
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