September 1, 2009
By johnmac
Oregano is a delicious herb that is native to Europe. It was highly valued by the ancient Greeks and considered to be a cure-all. Today, the fresh or dried leaves are commonly used in many Italian, Greek and other Mediterranean dishes. It is a very versatile herb that can be added to vegetables, meats, salad dressings, tomato sauces and more.
The essential oil made from oregano is commonly used for fighting a variety of infections, including the flu and the common cold.
Oregano is easy to grow in the garden or in a container. I have a small patch of oregano in my front flower garden that comes back every year. It provides me with more than enough fresh oregano to use during the summer and at around this time of year, I pick the leafy stems, tie the cut ends together into a bouquet and hang it upside-down to dry.
Once completely dry, I put the bouquet into a large, clean plastic bag and rub and scrunch it until all the leaves have fallen off into the bag. I put the dried leaves into a glass jar, store it in my pantry and enjoy it all winter. Note that when harvesting fresh leaves, the level of essential oil falls as the plant begins to flower.
Oregano offers many health benefits, including:
Digestive aid – it calms flatulence and stimulates the flow of bile, which is required for the digestion of fats and oils.
Potent antioxidant – on a per gram fresh weight basis, oregano has demonstrated 42 times more antioxidant activity than apples, 30 times more than potatoes, 12 times more than oranges and 4 times more than blueberries. It is also a source of omega-3 fatty acids.
- Antiseptic – two constituents of the volatile oil it contains – caracrol and thymol – have been shown to be antibacterial and antifungal. In Mexico, researchers have compared oregano to a prescription drug that is commonly used to treat Giardia lamblia infections and found it to be more effective than the drug.
The antiseptic properties of oregano are super-boosted when it is taken as an essential oil. As with any oil, proper emulsification is required for absorption, which is a challenge for many individuals; however, there is a form of the oil that addresses this issue.
Biotics Research, widely recognized for its emulsified fat-soluble nutrients and other lipids, has applied this technology to oregano oil in its product A.D.P., thereby increasing the oil’s absorption and bioavailability. By emulsifying oregano extracts, the effective surface area of the oil is dramatically increased. In addition, Biotics Resarch applied a sustained release mechanism, assuring a slow release throughout the digestive tract.
These technologies optimize the oil’s exposure to the digestive tract, where it functions to positively impact intestinal organisms. This makes A.D.P. a very effective treatment for toxic bowel syndrome, Candida, molds, fungal and parasitic infections and other fungal/yeast problems of the bowel and genito-urinary tract. Please remember that after taking any substance with anti-bacterial properties for an extended period of time, it is important to re-establish the friendly bacterial flora in the gut with a high quality, potent probiotic.
A.D.P. is also extremely useful for upper respiratory bacterial and viral infections, so I would strongly recommend that you have some on hand for the upcoming cold and flu season, in addition to Bio-D-Mulsion 1,000, the company’s micro-emulsified liquid vitamin D (one drop = 1,000 I.U.). You can learn more about preparing for flu season by reading the October 2007 and November 2008 posts in the ‘Tip of The Month Archive’ section.
Both A.D.P. and Bio-D-Mulsion 1000 are available through Perfect Resonance Natural Health Counselling. Dosage depends on your individual situation, so please consult me if you are interested in using these products.
Take control of what you can.
Natural Health Encyclopedia of Herbal Medicine, Andrew Chevalier, DK Publishing, New York, 2000
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