A Perfect New Year’s Resolution

January 5, 2016

By Anna Varriano

I hope you are reading this blog before you’ve spent money on one of the many cleanses, detoxes, or weight loss products/programs that are so heavily promoted at this time of year. The market for these products and programs is a multi-billion dollar one that is often backed up by some pretty big celebrities. It’s not surprising that many believe these products and programs are the answer to renewed health and well-being – especially in the New Year, after all of the traditional and much enjoyed indulgences that come with the holidays. With so many options on health food store shelves, it’s hard to know which one to choose.

Want to know which one I recommend and use myself? My answer is none of them. Why? Because our bodies are naturally programmed to cleanse, or detox, or maintain a weight that is healthy for us, every single day – especially when we offer some support to do so. Our bodies have been capable of these functions since the beginning of time … since before the dawn of the ‘10-Day Detox’, many of which suggest that you buy and repeat 4 times a year at cost of $99.99 or more per pop!

Cleanse in 10 Days

get rich quickSorry to break this to you, but there is no get-healthy-quick scheme, and in the long-run (even in the short-run), some of these products and programs will do more harm than good. How we eat, drink, think, move, and sleep every day is what we need to be mindful of. Unfortunately, due to the overwhelming amount of health-related information available to us today – much of it contradictory, misleading, or just plain wrong – many of us think we are making the right choices when we’re not. Organic, gluten-free, all natural, low-or-no fat, and non-GMO claims do not necessarily lead to healthy food choices. Many so-called ‘health foods’ are the cause of numerous health issues.

Restoring Balance

gc-counselingI don’t know about you, but I can’t keep everything in my house running smoothly by just giving it some attention a few times a year, and I believe the same is true for our bodies! We can have such a big impact on bringing our health into balance by being more mindful of the numerous choices we make every day, but sometimes it’s difficult to take that first step and to know the best way to start, which is understandable, given the many different factors that can cause imbalances in the body, including:

Even if you’ve managed to hack your way through the jungle of information and opinion regarding health and nutrition, it’s just as challenging to figure out how to put all this knowledge to use in a meaningful way.

I’m Here To Help

Since you are reading this, I know you have signed up to receive my weekly tips. If you find them helpful, please share them with others who you may feel would benefit from the information they contain. I hope that you are also regularly checking the many resources that are available to you for FREE on my website, including recipes, how-to videos, and a full library of every blog I’ve done for the past several years. There’s also a handy ‘search’ tool on my website to help you find information on numerous health, nutrition, or food topics that may be of interest to you. That is a great start. Now let’s make it more personal…

Get 25% Off Your First Nutrition Consultation

fingerprintWe are all physically, mentally, and emotionally unique. What works for many may not work for you. There is truth in the expression “One man’s meat is another man’s poison.” One-on-one consultations, preferably in person (phone consults also available within Canada), allow for a more customized way to help you with my unique 3-step approach to promoting health which is built around the following principles: educate, empower, and energize. These principles apply whether you want to address a particular health issue or find better overall health and well-being.

This approach is unique, simple, and effective, helping you to understand how and why particular foods, supplements, and lifestyle choices can have a positive impact on your health. It encourages a ‘partner-in-health’ approach, helping you to help yourself. Although I’ll be there to help along the way, this is your unique journey, providing you with tools to help you make your own way. In other words, you’ll be empowered to make–and stick with– practical and meaningful changes that will bring long-term results.



Call the Marshall Health  Clinic at 613-820-0421 before the end of January to book your very first appointment with me for a nutrition consultation and you’ll receive 25% off the regular price (note: regular price is $80 + HST = $90.40). Various analytical tools, as well as a review of your health history will be used in the process of developing steps to be taken that resonate with the processes at work in your body, in order to help promote the restoration of balance. Please note that if you have a health insurance plan, my services as a Registered Nutritional Therapist may be covered, especially if your plan is with Green Shield Canada or Manulife.

I hope to see you soon to help you reach your health goals. In the meantime, remember to visit my website and Facebook page regularly.

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